Congrats to These DWC Members on Their Awards from ASC

Three DWC members have won the following ASC honors and awards:

  • Dr. Joanne Belknap will be given the title of “Fellow”
  • Dr. Sally S. Simpson will receive the Edwin H. Sutherland Award (​Note: Sally is on the ballot in the upcoming ASC Presidential Elections!)
  • Brooklynn Hitchens will receive the Ruth D. Peterson Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Diversity

The title of “Fellow” is American Society of Criminology’s highest honor and given to those members of the ASC in good standing who have achieved distinction in criminology. The honorary title “Fellow” recognizes persons who have made a scholarly contribution to the intellectual life of the discipline, whether in the form of a singular, major piece of scholarship or cumulative scholarly contributions. Longevity alone is not sufficient. In addition, a Fellow must have made a significant contribution to the field through the career development of other criminologists and/or through organizational activities within the ASC.

The Edwin H. Sutherland Award (established in 1960) recognizes outstanding contributions to theory or research in criminology on the etiology of criminal and deviant behavior, the criminal justice system, corrections, law, or justice.  The distinguished contribution may be based on a single outstanding book or work, on a series of theoretical or research contributions, or on the accumulated contributions by a senior scholar.

The Ruth D. Peterson Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Diversity is designed to encourage students of color, especially those from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the field, to enter the field of criminology and criminal justice, and to facilitate the completion of their degrees.

Congratulations to Joanne, Sally and Brooklynn!