Hello Fellow DWC Members,
Below is the collected news from a variety of DWC members, showing what an amazing organization we have! Please keep sending updates to tnrichar@mail.usf.edu.
Best Regards,
Tara Richards


  • The DWC congratulates NICOLE RAFTER for winning this year’s Sutherland award! The award is for achievement, but achievement especially by a woman who does out-of-the-mainstream work, including feminist research, is often overlooked. Kudos, Nicole.

  • In turn, Nicole would like to publicly thank BARBARA KOONS-WITT for her fabulous campaign. Barbara spent endless hours emailing people to ask for letters of support! Thank you, Barbara.

  • Congratulations to MOLLY DRAGIEWICZ, who was elected as an Executive Officer of the American Society of Criminology, Division on Critical Criminology!

  • Congratulations are also in order for SUSAN SHARP; she was selected as the 2009 Kinney-Sugg Professor, the Outstanding Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, at the University of Oklahoma.  The award is based on outstanding teaching and scholarship, including the ability to inspire students to high levels of achievement.

  • Another talented DWC member, ROSLYN MURASKIN has great news, she is running for ACJS Secretary!

  • We would also like to join NIKKI JONES in announcing her wonderful book Between Good and Ghetto: African American Girls and Inner-City Violence. More information on this fabulous addition to the literature can be found here.