Hello Fellow DWC Members,

Below is the collected news from DWC members, showing what an amazing organization we have! Please send updates to my new email address richardstn@appstate.edu.

Best Regards,

Tara Richards

Susan Sharp received the Social Justice Award from the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Social Justice. The Social Justice Award honors individuals who demonstrate compassion, courage, and leadership and who work to eliminate discrimination, oppression, and injustice locally and globally.

Marjorie Zatz will be serving as the Program Director for the Law and Social Sciences Program of the National Science Foundation, starting mid-July, on leave from Arizona State University.

Molly Dragiewicz has been appointed Visiting Fellow in the School of Justice, Faculty of Law at Queensland University of Technology for July 2012 – June 2013. She has also joined the Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies at the University of New South Wales as an International Research Associate.

Kristi Holsinger has a new book out, Teaching Justice: Solving Social Justice Problems through University Education. The book is available through Ashgate Publishing.