Hello Fellow DWC Members,

Below is the collected news from a variety of DWC members, showing what an amazing organization we have! Please keep sending updates to tricha11@gmail.com.

Best Regards,

Tara Richards

Barbara Koons-Witt has wonderful news. She has just received notice from the Provost at her institution, the University of South Carolina, that she will be receive grant funding through the University of South Carolina’s Social Sciences Grant Program for her project, “Motherhood and Desistance: Can Reclaiming their Motherhood be a ‘Hook for Change’?”

Susan Miller’s book, After the Crime: The Power of Restorative Justice Dialogues between Victims and Violent Offenders, won the 2012 “Outstanding Book Award” presented by ACJS at its last national conference.

Sarah Nicksa would like to share a call for ASC papers for a panel on Feminist Pedagogy. This call stems from a breakout group during one of the DWC breakfasts last year, where it was pointed out that the words “woman/women” and “feminism” rarely appear in the ASC program. This panel will be centered around feminist pedagogy in the classroom, potentially entitled “Still Needing the ‘F’ Word: Feminist Pedagogy in the Classroom.” This is intended more as a practical workshop to include teaching/discussion techniques and assignment/project examples. The deadline for submission of thematic panels is March 15. If interested, please let Sarah know ASAP by email (scnicksa@widener.edu). She would appreciate the abstract by March 8.

Several of our members have new publications:

Judith Ryder has a forthcoming book, Girls and Violence: Tracing the Roots of Criminal Behavior (Lynne Rienner Publishers).

Margaret Shaw has a recently released edited book, Building Inclusive Cities. Women’s Safety and the Right to the City (Earthscan from Routledge: New York and London).

Jennifer Dawn Carlson has lots of great news.  She has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto, and two several recent publications:

(2012) “‘I Don’t Dial 911!’ American Gun Politics and the Problem of Policing.” British Journal of Criminology.

(Forthcoming) “From Gun Politics to Self-Defense Politics: A Feminist Critique of the Great Gun Debate.” Violence Against Women.

Joanne Belknap, Shannon Lynch, Dana DeHart, and Bonnie Green’s factsheet (http://www.colorado.edu/ibs/pb/belknap/resources/Lynch%20et%20al.%202012%20Factsheet%20Women%27s%20Pathways.pdf) and final report (https://www.bja.gov/Publications/Women_Pathways_to_Jail.pdf) on their Bureau of Justice Assistance funded, multi-site study on Women’s Pathways to Jail: The Roles and Intersections of Serious Mental Illness and Trauma are available and free to download!

Congratulations are also in order to several DWCers who have been recommended for tenure and/or promotion:

Venezia Michalsen has received tenure in the Justice Studies Department at Montclair State University.

Allison Foley has received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at Georgia Regents University (formerly Augusta State University).

Judith Ryder has been granted tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at St. John’s University. She would also like to express her gratitude to the DWC members who wrote external reviews!

Finally, join us in congratulating Tiff Jenson, on the birth of a second child, a daughter, Stormy Jenson!

Our fantastic DWC award winners at the breakfast meeting in Chicago (November 2012, left to right)

Graduate Student Paper Award: Kristin Bell
Undergraduate Student Paper Award: Christine Galvin-White
Sarah Hall Award for Service Contributions: Helen Eigenberg
Distinguished Scholar Award: Karen Heimer
Saltzman Award for Contributions to Practice: Robin Haarr
(Not pictured)
New Scholar Award: Emily Lenning
Lifetime Achievement Award: Roslyn Muraskin
CoraMae Richey Mann “Inconvenient Woman of the Year” Award: Betsy Stanko