Our own Feminist Criminology is celebrating a big birthday this year – its 10 years old! Thank you to the former editors, Susan Sharp, Helen Eigenberg and Jana Jasinski, as well as the current editor, Rosemary Barberet. We also owe a big thank you to all the dedicated reviewers and board members.

Congrats to Jody Miller and Janet Lauritsen, the new co-editors of Criminology beginning this fall (with David McDowall, lead editor, and Brian Johnson, co-editor).

Congratulations are also in order for Jo-Ann Della Giustina, who has been promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Bridgewater State University.

Several DWC members also have new publications:

Emily van der Meulen and Robert Heynen have a new edited book, Expanding the Gaze: Gender and the Politics of Surveillance. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. http://www.utppublishing.com/Expanding-the-Gaze-Gender-and-the-Politics-of-Surveillance.html

Meredith Worthen and Andrea Nichols have also recently finished new books:

Worthen, M. (2016). Sexual Deviance: A Sociological Examination. New York, NY: Routledge.

Please click on the attached – different – flyers to note the various glowing reviews Meredith has already received!

Flyer 1
Flyer 2

Nichols, A. (2016). Sex Trafficking in the United States: Theory, Research, Policy and Practice. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. It has a companion site with teaching resources for those interested in developing a new course


Chris Smith has a new article (with Andrew V. Papachristos), “Trust Thy Crooked Neighbor: Multiplexity in Chicago Organized Crime Networks.”  American Sociological Review. (Online first: 10.1177/0003122416650149).

Walter DeKeseredy has a new article (with Hall-Sanchez, A.), “Adult pornography and Violence against Women in the Heartland: Results from a Rural Southeast Ohio Study.” Violence Against Women.  DOI 10.1177/1077801216648795.