Nominations for DWC Offices

The American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime seeks nominations for a Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and two Executive Counselors.  Each of these positions is a two year term starting in November 2012 and ending in November 2014.

The Vice-Chair presides over Division meetings in the absence of the Chair and would conduct all necessary business of the Division if the office of the Chair is vacant or if the Chair is unable to serve.  The Vice-Chair also is responsible for assistance to, and oversight of, the Newsletter Committee.

The Executive Counselors decide the budget for the Division, approve committees and committee chairs, and provide other leadership and counsel to the Chair and the Division, including issues related to the management and budget of Feminist Criminology. One of the Executive Counselors to be elected must be untenured or at an early stage in their career.

The Secretary/Treasurer keeps the records and minutes of the Division. S/he also will maintain a separate account in the ASC treasury for the Division, inform the Division membership of the Division’s finances, and notify the Executive Board of any financial issues that arise.

Please send nominations (name, contact information, and email address) to no later than October 1st.  Self-nominations are welcome.  It is helpful if you would check with potential nominees to be sure they are willing to run, but it is not required.