Electronic Ballot Sent Friday, 8/16: Did You Receive It?

Earlier today I sent an electronic ballot to all DWC members in good standing via Survey Monkey.

If you did NOT receive this email (it came from dejongc@msu.edu), it means one of several things:
1. The ballot went into your spam folder
2. You are not currently a member in good standing of the DWC
3. You just joined the DWC in the last two weeks
We will be sending the ballot out again when we received an updated membership list on August 30th.

If you need to renew your Division membership, you can do so at http://asc41.com/appform1.html, but you must renew prior to September 1st to vote. Any memberships received by ASC after 9/1/13 will be credited to the 2014 membership year.
Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.