Seeking Nominations for the Next DWC Chair & Executive Counselors

The American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime seeks nominations for a Chair and three Executive Counselors.  Each of these positions is a two year term starting in November 2013 and ending in November 2015. 

The Chair will provide executive direction for the Division and preside over Division meetings. The Chair also sits as an ex-officio on the Executive Board of the journal Feminist Criminology. The Chair or her/his designee will serve as liaison with the ASC Annual Meeting Program Chair to ensure the inclusion of panels relating to issues on women and crime in the program.  The Chair or her/his designee shall bring issues regarding gender and crime, and recommendations for their resolution, as decided by the Division, to the attention of the ASC Executive Board and/or appropriate ASC committees for their consideration.  The Chair will appoint all committees and committee chairs, with the approval of the Executive Board.

The Executive Counselors decide the budget for the Division, approve committees and committee chairs, and provide other leadership and counsel to the Chair and the Division, including issues related to the management and budget of Feminist Criminology. One Executive Counselor to be elected must be untenured or at an early stage in his/her career.  One Executive Counselor must be tenured or at a later stage in his/her career.  One Executive Counselor must be a current graduate student in a masters or Ph.D. program.

Please send nominations (name, contact information, and email address) to no later than October 1st.  Self-nominations are welcome.  It is helpful if you would check with potential nominees to be sure they are willing to run, but it is not required.