DWC to Participate in U.N. Commission on the Status of Women

The Division on Women and Crime is an active participant in this year’s meeting of the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63), taking place from March 11 – 22, 2019 in New York City.

In planning for the activities, DWC partnered with World Society of Victimology (WSV); Criminologists Without Borders (CWB), and the International Sociological Association (ISA). A CSW63 committee was formed which included the following members: Sheetal Ranjan (Chair, DWC), Elaine Arnull (Vice-Chair, DWC), Dawn Beichner (UN Representative for WSV) and Rosemary Barberet (UN Representative for both ISA & CWB).

Thanks to efforts led by Jay Albanese, ASC Representative to the United Nations, the ASC renewed its lapsed accreditation to be a non-governmental organization (NGOs) in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council in June 2018. This allowed DWC to submit panels for inclusion in the Parallel Events organized by NGO CSW. The committee worked to submit panels on four different topic areas and all of them were accepted. Details of the four Parallel Events and panelists are below.  

Additionally, we secured partnerships with the United Nations Police and the Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations to hold two side events at the UNHQ. Side Events at CSW must be sponsored in partnership with member states or UN Entities. These are very prestigious partnerships; however, the choice of topics and panelists are limited to the intersecting interests of the sponsoring partners. Details of VIP’s, scholars, practitioners and policy makers in attendance at both events are below.

The panelists were drawn from the DWC expert database (please make sure you submit your information if you haven’t already) and recommendations by WSV, ISA, and CWB. As you may note, many panelists are DWC members. We paid attention to include a diverse range of scholars and invited practitioners who offer interesting perspectives. We are very excited that one of our panelists is a DWC student member.

Church Centre Panels:
#1: Empowering Girls and Women Facing Violence in Family Settings; The Safety of Women and Girls in Educational Settings

#2 Women, Re-Entry, and Social Protection; Access to Justice for Women and Girls: The Role of Women in Law Enforcement and Peacekeeping

The Safety of Women: Penal Mediation in Greek Domestic Violence Legislation

The Status of Women: The Policing of Conflict and Post-Conflict Areas