Call for Nominations for Election

Call for Nominations for Upcoming Election

Hello DWC members,

We are now calling for members to nominate others or themselves for election in the forthcoming year. These are two-year posts and include:

–        Vice-Chair

–        Secretary/Treasurer

–        Senior EC (tenured)

–        Junior EC (not tenured)

We do not limit the number who can stand for each office, but you must have been a member of DWC with paid-up dues in April 2020 to do so.

The DWC earnestly seeks to address structural barriers to addressing racial justice within a feminist criminological perspective and to executing change within our organization. Therefore, we are particularly inviting members committed to addressing these goals to pursue these positions. We strongly invite scholars with academic and personal commitments to community engagement and racial justice to stand and would ask those standing to explicitly address both of those areas in their personal profile.

Please send nominations to me at by next Monday, November 23, including the nominee’s name, email address, and position for which you are nominating the individual.  Self-nominations are welcome.