Sarah Fischer (2024 – 2025)
Marymount University
Chair Elect:
Executive Counselor (Senior):
Danielle Slakoff (2024 – 2026)
California State University, Sacramento
Executive Counselor (Junior):
Veronica Gonzalez (2024-2026)
University of South Carolina
Executive Counselor (Graduate Student):
Lexi Goodijohn (2024-2026)
University of Nebraska Omaha
DFC Committees
Click here to view the full list of committee members
Diversity and Inclusion Committee: Responsible for outreach to and increasing the membership and participation of underrepresented groups within DFC. This committee will create the documents criteria for the DFC and Feminist Criminology International Scholar Faculty and Graduate Student Awards. Once the awards are established, this committee will solicit nominations and select the recipients of the awards.
Chair: Marisela Velazquez and Jane Palmer
External Nominations Committee: Works to identify and nominate DFC members for: (1) ASC Executive Board positions, (2) ASC committees, and (3) ASC awards in order to increase visibility and representation of the DFC in the larger ASC setting. The committee is generally comprised of three senior members of the division and the majority of the work is done between December and March.
Co-Chairs: Staci Strobl and Sarah Fischer
Internal Awards Committee: Coordinates the nomination and election of DFC members for DFC awards. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. It should be chaired by a faculty member/practitioner. Work is completed in the summer/fall.
Co-Chairs: Valerie Anderson & Miltonette Craig
Internal Nominations Committee: Solicits nominations for DFC officers and facilitates the DFC election. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. Work is completed in the summer and fall.
Chair: Laura Iesue
Newsletter Committee: Responsible for publication of electronic newsletter on behalf of DFC. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. It should be chaired by a faculty member/practitioner. Work is periodic throughout the year, with the publication of three editions (spring, summer, fall).
Co-Chairs: Amy Poland & Vanessa Gutierrez
Outreach Committee: Develops and implements strategies to recruit new members to the DFC; develop strategies to asses and support the needs of existing members. The committee will coordinate goal-oriented recruitment drives to expand, diversify, and internationalize the DFC membership. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. Work is periodic throughout the year.
Co-Chairs: Renee D. Lamphere & Trisha Rhodes
Programming Committee: Organizes DFC panels, sessions, and events of interest for the ASC Annual Meeting and distributes this information to the DFC and ASC membership.
Co-Chairs: Deena Isom
Siegel and Feminist Criminology Graduate Awards Selection Committee: Coordinates applications for and selects winners of the Larry J. Siegel and the Feminist Criminology graduate student awards. Appointed by the chair and the editor of Feminist Criminology.
Co-Chairs: Lisa Pasko and Shavonne Arthurs
Social Media Committee: Maintains all DFC social media, including policies governing social media usage. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. It should be chaired by a faculty member/practitioner. Work is periodic throughout the year.
Chair: Ami Stearns
Special Events Committee: Plans and coordinates annual social hour and business meeting breakfasts; facilitates development of other special events, as needed. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. Work is completed in the late summer and fall. C0-Chairs: Samantha Gavin and Shavonne Arthurs
Mentoring and Student Affairs Committee: Develops and implements strategies to recruit student members to the DFC; develops strategies to assess and support the needs of student members. Will establish a mentoring programs with the overarching goal of diversifying and internationalizing the DFC memberships. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. Work is periodic throughout the year.
Co-Chairs: Danielle Slakoff & Sarah Murray
Student Paper and Poster Awards Committee: Solicits nominations and selects the recipient of the DFC Student Paper Awards. This committee will establish criteria and documents for two new student poster awards (undergraduate and graduate). This committee is best suited to faculty members or practitioners, particularly those of a higher rank. Work is completed in the summer and fall.
Chair: Andia Azimi
Teaching and Pedagogy Committee: Organizes sessions on teaching at the ASC meetings, updates the division syllabus collection, and supports other committees with teaching-related issues. This committee is suitable for either graduate students or faculty members/practitioners. Work is periodic throughout the year.
Co-Chairs: Shelly Clevenger and Bree Boppre