Nominations for DWC Offices

The American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime seeks nominations for a Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and two Executive Counselors.  Each of these positions is a two year term starting in November 2012 and ending in November 2014.

The Vice-Chair presides over Division meetings in the absence of the Chair and would conduct all necessary business of the Division if the office of the Chair is vacant or if the Chair is unable to serve.  The Vice-Chair also is responsible for assistance to, and oversight of, the Newsletter Committee.

The Executive Counselors decide the budget for the Division, approve committees and committee chairs, and provide other leadership and counsel to the Chair and the Division, including issues related to the management and budget of Feminist Criminology. One of the Executive Counselors to be elected must be untenured or at an early stage in their career.

The Secretary/Treasurer keeps the records and minutes of the Division. S/he also will maintain a separate account in the ASC treasury for the Division, inform the Division membership of the Division’s finances, and notify the Executive Board of any financial issues that arise.

Please send nominations (name, contact information, and email address) to no later than October 1st.  Self-nominations are welcome.  It is helpful if you would check with potential nominees to be sure they are willing to run, but it is not required.

DWC Sessions of Interest at the ASC Meetings

Need a “roadmap” for the sessions at November’s ASC meetings?  Click here for a DWC Sessions of Interest document with all of the sessions that are women, gender, and justice-related at the Chicago meetings.  It also includes times and locations of our pre-conference workshop, Wednesday evening social at The Gage restaurant (get your tickets now, it’s going to be awesome!), and Thursday and Friday breakfast meetings.

Nominations Requested for the 2012 Student Paper Competition

The Division on Women and Crime of the American Society of Criminology invites submissions for the Student Paper Competition.  The winners will be recognized at the annual conference and awarded cash prizes of $500.00 to the winner of the graduate competition and $250 to the winner of the undergraduate competition.  In cases in which there are multiple authors, the award will be divided among the recipients.

Deadline:  Papers should be RECEIVED by the committee chair by September 15, 2012.

Eligibility:  Any undergraduate or graduate student who is currently enrolled or who has graduated within the past three months is eligible.  Note, any co-authors must also be students, that is, no faculty co-authors are permitted.  To document eligibility, every author/ co-author must submit proof of student status.  This eligibility proof may be in the form of a letter from your department chair or an unofficial transcript.

Paper Specifications:  Papers should be of professional quality and must be about, or related to, feminist scholarship, gender issues, or women as offenders, victims or criminal justice professionals.  Papers must be no longer than 35 pages including all references, notes, and tables; utilize an acceptable referencing format such as APA; be type-written and double-spaced; and include an abstract of 100 words or less.

Papers may not be published, accepted, or under review for publication at the time of submission.

Submission:  One electronic copy using MSWord must be received by the co-chair of the committee by the stated deadline (please do not send a PDF file).   In the reference line, identify whether this is to be considered for the graduate or undergraduate competition.  Please refrain from using identifying (e.g., last name) headers/ footers, as the papers will be blind-reviewed. 

Judging:  The Awards Committee will evaluate the papers based on the following criteria: Content is relevant to feminist scholarship; Makes a contribution to the knowledge base; accurately identify any limitations; Analytical plan was well developed; Clarity/organization of paper was well developed.

Notification:  All entrants will be notified of the committee’s decision no later than November 1st.  Winners are strongly encouraged to attend the conference to receive their award. 

Co-Chairs of Committee

Email all paper submissions send to:                                                      

Angela R. Gover, Ph.D. │School of Public Affairs │ University of Colorado Denver│

Phone (303)

Please send all other correspondence to:

Lisa A. Murphy, Ph.D. │ Department of Psychology│La Sierra University│

Phone: (951) 272-6300 x1008│

DWC Announces the FUTURE FUND

The DWC is very excited to announce two new ways to support the division.  Donations can now be made online or through the mail to either the DWC General Operating Budget or the DWC Future Fund.

The Future Fund was established to create a source of funding to support programs and projects aimed at advancing the mission of the Division on Women and Crime.  Tax-deductible donations can be made to the fund, which will be used each year to support specific projects, as decided annually by the DWC Executive Board.

Donations to the Future Fund may be (but are not required to be) made in honor of someone living or in memory of someone deceased.  All donations will be acknowledged on the DWC website at Donors may also pledge anonymous gifts.  Examples of projects or programs that might be funded include support for graduate students to travel to the ASC annual meeting, workshops or special sessions before/during the ASC meeting, small seed grants to help with the initiation of innovative research projects, etc.

In addition to the Future Fund, donations may also be made in support of the DWC General Operating Budget.  These tax-deductible donations go to support the expenses incurred at the annual ASC meeting, cash awards given out by the division, and other general operating expenses for the division (exclusive of expenses for the journal Feminist Criminology).  Donors will also be recognized, if they choose, on the Donation Honor Roll page.

If you’ve always wanted to know how to help out the DWC, well here’s an easy way!  Information on how to donate online or with a check via the mail can be found at  Donors will be recognized here: