Introduction: The Community Engaged Scholar Award recognizes an individual who is a leader in teaching, outreach, or
scholarship initiatives defined by innovative community engagement in the discipline of criminology or a closely
associated discipline. Awardees must demonstrate a sustained record of reciprocal collaboration and demonstrated impact,
which may include community-based and community-informed social change, knowledge creation, problem solving, and
capacity building, as well as student learning and thriving.
● Applicants must be either graduate students, post-docs, or faculty (adjunct, non-tenure or tenure track) in
criminology or a closely related discipline at educational institutions within the United States.
● Applicants, if possible, will attend the DFC breakfast, either in person or virtually, where they will be honored.
● Previous winners of The Community Engaged Scholar Award are not eligible to apply.
Application Materials & Submission:
Submit applications to this link https://forms.gle/kKWNw7NmVyTWmxuB8 by September 15, 2023. In a single PDF
document, applicants should upload: (1) a 1000-word personal statement about his/her/their community-engaged work
and its demonstrated impacts; (2) an updated and current Curriculum Vitae. Applicants should also request one (1) letter
of support from a community partner to be submitted by the partner via the link by the deadline.
Selection Criteria:
Applicants will be assessed based on their sustained commitment to innovative and impactful community-engaged work.
Preference will be afforded to applicants whose work is in collaboration with marginalized communities or emphasizes
anti-racist, intersectional, or anti-oppressive methodologies.
The recipient of the award will receive a one-time stipend of $1000 and the community partner will receive an unrestricted
donation of $1000. Only one award will be made each year.
All application materials should be submitted by September 15, 2023. Winners will be notified by October 15, 2023.
Click here to submit applications to the Community Engaged Scholar Award