Hello Fellow DWC Members,
Below is the collected news from a variety of DWC members, showing what an amazing organization we have! Please keep sending updates to tricha11@gmail.com.
Best Regards,
Tara Richards
DWC graduate student members! Don’t forget that the deadline for applications for the Larry J. Siegel Graduate Fellowship in the Study of Gender and Crime and the Feminist Criminology Graduate Research Scholarship is March 1, 2015! For more information about the awards and how to apply, go to https://ascdwc.com/student-awards.
Congratulations to Denise Boots. Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support and the Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) of Dallas, Texas has partnered with Drs. Denise Paquette Boots and Timothy Bray (University of Texas at Dallas) on an 18-month planning grant for the creation of the Institute for Coordinated Community Response. The $530,000 award from the W.W. Caruth Foundation Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas will support the development of a comprehensive training and educational institute to develop collaborative teams of criminal justice professionals in the most under-resourced areas of the state to better serve victims of domestic violence. For more information, contact Becky Park, CCAW National Conference Director, bpark@genesisshelter.org, Denise Paquette Boots, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Criminology and Senior Research Fellow for the Institute for Urban Policy Research, deniseboots@utdallas.edu or Timothy Bray, Ph.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Criminology and Director of IUPR, timothy.bray@utdallas.edu at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Janet Garcia, doctoral student at Rutgers School of Criminal Justice has been invited to speak at a plenary panel, Motherwork, Race, and the Criminal Justice System, where she will draw from her dissertation research on African American, West Indian, and Hispanic mothers and their experiences navigating motherhood post-incarceration. Congrats Janet!
On Feb. 13, Angela Gover and Tara Richards unveiled the results of a year-long statewide process evaluation for the Domestic Violence Offender Management Board (DVOMB) in Colorado at a presentation and panel discussion hosted by the University of Colorado Denver’s School of Public Affairs. More than 150 community stakeholders, including Colorado’s DVOMB, participated in the discussion which focused on the implementation of the DVOMB’s revised state Standards for responding to domestic violence. DVOMB Manager Cheryl Davis said the event lead to the “most interesting, enlivening, intriguing, and deep discussion the DVOMB has ever had” on the topic of effective treatment of domestic violent offenders.”
Several DWC members also have new publications:
Garcia, J. (2015). “The Importance of the Mentor-Mentee Relationship in Women’s Desistance from Destructive Behaviors.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
Molly Dragiewicz has a new book out Global Human Trafficking: Critical Issues and Contexts (from Routledge). The text reviews recent empirical work on human trafficking from an interdisciplinary, critical perspective. The collection includes classroom-friendly features, such as introductory chapters that provide essential background for understanding the trafficking literature, textboxes explaining key concepts, discussion questions for each chapter, and lists of additional resources, including films, websites, and additional readings for each chapter.
Carrington, K. (2015). Feminism and Global Justice. London: Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415711128/
Walter DeKeseredy recently authored a blog entitled, “An oasis in a neo-liberal land”, for the Inaugural Asia-Pacific Conference on Gendered Violence & Violations at Queensland University of Technology’s School of Justice Research Center. It will be featured in the upcoming edition of the Criminologist.
Here is information on an exciting conference happening in summer 2015 (well summer here, but it will be nice and cool there!).
The Crime, Justice and Social Democracy International Conference
July 8-10, 2015
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
The Crime, Justice and Social Democracy International Conference aims to reinvigorate debates about the link between social justice, social democracy and the reduction of harm, crime and victimization through the alleviation of inequalities and building of more socially just and inclusive societies. The conference brings together distinguished international speakers from the US, Canada, Latin America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia.
To submit an abstract visit http://crimejusticeconference.com/call-for-submissions.
Abstracts are due by March 16, 2015
Keynote Speakers
Professor Máximo Sozzo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, ArgentinaProfessor Sandra Walklate, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Panel Speakers
Joanne Belknap, Avi Brisman, Chris Cunneen, Elliot Currie, Mona Danner, Walter DeKeseredy, Joe Donnermeyer, Patricia Faraldo, Loraine Gelsthorpe, Barry Goldson, Jill Guthrie, Keith Hayward, Tony Jefferson, Scott Poynting, Nigel South, Nancy Wonders
Inquiries: justice@qut.edu.auVisit the conference website at http://crimejusticeconference.com