Seeking New Editor for Feminist Criminology

New Editor Sought for Feminist Criminology

The American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime (DWC) invites applications for the position of editor of Feminist Criminology, which is the Division’s official journal. It is the responsibility of the DWC Chair and Executive Committee to conduct the search for the new editor. The Executive Committee will select the next editor with approval by the current Editorial Board.

The journal is published by Sage Publications and uses an on-line, electronic submission process. The new editor will be responsible for administering this process and publishing four issues a year. The editor will serve a three or four year term to be negotiated with the Executive Committee. It is anticipated that new manuscript submissions and other editorial duties will transfer to the new editor around June 2014. The editor is responsible for the timely and substantive output of the journal, including the solicitation of manuscripts, supervision of the peer review process, and the final selection of articles for publication. Duties also include implementing the journal’s editorial policies, maintaining high professional standards for published content, and ensuring the integrity of the journal.

The editor’s supporting institution normally provides office space, file storage, equipment, at least one graduate assistant for the duration of the editorship, and release time for the editor. ASC provides $5000 a year to be used for editorial support.

Interested applicants may contact the current editor, Jana Jasinski ( for additional information regarding the logistics or operational details of editing and producing the journal. Applicants must submit a statement of editorial philosophy, a vita, and assurances of institutional support to both the DWC Chair and DWC Secretary/Treasurer. One copy of application materials or emails with the relevant attachments must be sent to each of the following:

Dr. Amy D’Unger
DWC Chair
Georgia Tech
School of History, Technology, and Society
221 Bobby Dodd Way
Atlanta, GA 30332-0225

Dr. Christina DeJong
DWC Secretary/Treasurer
Center for Integrative Studies
Michigan State University
302 Berkey Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824

Applications must be received by December 1, 2013. 

DWC Constitutional Amendments Passed

I’m happy to report that the constitutional revisions to add a graduate student representative and archivist were overwhelmingly approved.  The addition of a graduate student representative received almost 95% support and the addition of an archivist received 100% support.  Please join me in welcoming Chris Rasche as our first OFFICIAL DWC Archivist!

Elections for DWC offices will be happening soon.  We’ll be electing a new chair, two new executive counselors, and our first graduate student representative.  Thanks to all of you who participated in the democratic process!

Electronic Ballot Sent Friday, 8/16: Did You Receive It?

Earlier today I sent an electronic ballot to all DWC members in good standing via Survey Monkey.

If you did NOT receive this email (it came from, it means one of several things:
1. The ballot went into your spam folder
2. You are not currently a member in good standing of the DWC
3. You just joined the DWC in the last two weeks
We will be sending the ballot out again when we received an updated membership list on August 30th.

If you need to renew your Division membership, you can do so at, but you must renew prior to September 1st to vote. Any memberships received by ASC after 9/1/13 will be credited to the 2014 membership year.
Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

2013 ASC Division on Women and Crime Student Paper Competition

The Division on Women and Crime (DWC) of the American Society of Criminology invites submissions for the Student Paper Competition.

The 2012 competition had the highest number of paper submissions in the history of the competition – a total of 25 submissions! The winners will be recognized during the DWC breakfast meeting at the 2013 annual conference in Atlanta.  The graduate student winner will receive $500.00 and the undergraduate student winner will receive $250.00.  For submissions with multiple authors, the award money will be divided among co-authors.

Deadline:  The deadline for paper submissions is September 15, 2013.

Eligibility:  Any undergraduate or graduate student who is currently enrolled or who has graduated within the previous semester is eligible.  Note, any co-authors must also be students, that is, no faculty co-authors are permitted.  To document eligibility, every author/co-author must submit proof of student status.  This eligibility proof may be in the form of a letter from your department chair or an unofficial transcript.

Paper Specifications:  Papers should be of professional quality and must be about, or related to, feminist scholarship, gender issues, or women as offenders, victims or criminal justice professionals.  Papers must be no longer than 35 pages including all references, notes, and tables; utilize an acceptable referencing format such as APA; be type-written and double-spaced; and include an abstract of 100 words or less.  Send submissions to:  Papers may not be published, accepted, or under review for publication at the time of submission.

Submission:  One electronic copy using MSWord must be received by the co-chair of the committee by the stated deadline (please do not send a PDF file).   In the reference line, identify whether this is to be considered for the graduate or undergraduate competition.  Please refrain from using identifying (e.g., last name) headers/ footers, as the papers will be blind-reviewed.

Judging:  Members of the paper competition committee will evaluate the papers based on the following categories: 1. Content is relevant to feminist scholarship; 2. Makes a contribution to the knowledge base; 3. Accurately identify any limitations; 4. Analytical plan was well developed; 5. Clarity/organization of paper was well developed. Notification:  All entrants will be notified of the committee’s decision no later than November 1st.  Winners are strongly encouraged to attend the conference to receive their award.